Become a sponsor

Replayer’s advanced video player allows the insertion of “virtual banners” on the videos recorded by sports clubs and individual players. Today, your company can “enter the field immediately”, indeed on many playing fields at the same time, and get noticed by a large audience of sports enthusiasts.

Advantages of ReplayerAdvadvertising banners

Become a ReplayerAdv sponsor

Personalized content

For the banner you can use your logo, a custom creative or a short video. You choose!

Become a ReplayerAdv sponsor

Dedicated landing page

A page created by our graphic designers to promote your products and services. Advertise online even if you don’t have a site.

Become a ReplayerAdv sponsor

Target audience

Choose which playing fields to display your advertising on and hit your marketing goal.

Become a ReplayerAdv sponsor

Social diffusion

In addition to all ReplayerTV videos visible to subscribers, banners also appear in the short videos (higlights) that Replayer and users share with friends and followers.
Become a ReplayerAdv sponsor

Sponsors support Replayer athletes and Sports Centers

100% of the sponsorships on ReplayerTV are entirely awarded to the Sports Centers who have activated the video streaming channel: thanks to the sponsors, the centers can offer their members free access to all the videos recorded on the playing fields: matches, training sessions, competitions, tournaments. All the kids will finally have the opportunity to meet again while they play, to improve themselves and relive the emotions that sport gives them.


Our sponsors


Replayer moltiplica i contatti con la tua azienda

I banner cliccabili possono portare visitatori direttamente al tuo sito o ad uno dei tuoi canali social oppure ad una pagina realizzata apposta per la tua azienda sulla nostra piattaforma Replayer

Pubblicità su Replayer: banner sponsor cliccabili

ReplayerAdv advertising is visible on all ReplayerTV videos: training sessions, competitions, matches, tournaments that the Sports Centers record and make available to all subscribers to their video streaming channel.

The fee is paid by the sponsors of ReplayerAdv is entirely allocated to support the Sports Centers to allow them to offer their members a subscription to ReplayerTV free of charge: tanti ragazzi potranno così accedere ai video delle loro partite e degli allenamenti, rivedersi e migliorarsi o anche solo condividere con la famiglia e gli amici i momenti più emozionanti che vivono attraverso lo sport.
Diventando sponsor non solo promuovi la tua iniziativa imprenditoriale ma la passione per tutti gli sport, outdoor e indoor, individuali e di squadra, anche quelli che godono di minore visibilità sui canali mainstream, allargando l’audience, fornendo ad atleti e tecnici uno strumento che li aiuta a migliorare e moltiplicando per tutti le occasioni di divertimento e partecipazione intorno ad ogni partita, gara o allenamento.

I banner sono personalizzabili e possono contenere il logo della tua azienda, un’immagine promozionale oppure un breve video: unico elemento fisso è la proporzione 3:1 tra larghezza e altezza.

The banner pubblicitari cliccabili puntano alla landing page dedicata a ciascuno sponsor Replayer: non hai bisogno di un sito, i nostri grafici realizzeranno una pagina per promuovere la tua azienda da cui potrai essere contattato direttamente… ma se hai il sito o pagine social creeremo il link per consentire all’utente di proseguire la navigazione verso le tue risorse web.
The sponsor’s page is also accessible from the “Our sponsors” section (under construction) of the website.

The rotation of the banners is calibrated in order to maximize the probability that all the sponsors of a playing field arealso visible in the higlights created and shared by users, privately and publicly with friends and followers.
We also promote our sponsors with dedicated posts on Replayer social channels.

The sponsor can choose the playing fields on which to advertise and thus define the audience both territorially and by sports target. Fill out the contact form to receive more information on ReplayerAdv.

Do you want to know more about ReplayerAdv? Fill out the contact form.


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